A Dialogue on Painting:Liu Wei & Luc Tuymans Sunday, November 4, 2018, 14:00-16:00 Moderated by Colin Chinnery
M WOODS is honored to bring two legendary artists into conversation ahead of a groundbreaking dual exhibition to be held at M WOODS in 2020. Antwerp-based Luc Tuymans and Beijing-based Liu Wei have known each other personally for over twelve years, and were aware of each others’ painting practices for years before this. Both artists are internationally renowned as painters whose works articulate the social environment of their times, with an at times subtle, but ever-present, power. They are held in the highest regard as academic artists, whose respective devotion to the medium of paint has endured for decades.
The exhibition at M WOODS is the product of a friendship and dialogue held over the years, and will be curated by Colin Chinnery, who was also present when the original idea was conceived. Moderated by Chinnery, the discussion will traverse the parallel trajectories of their painting careers, how the idea for the exhibition was brought about, social and political changes they have witnessed and how these have influenced their work, and finally touch on the content of their exhibition, opening in Autumn 2020.
The talk is part of M MEASURES, the education program of M WOODS, and is free to the public. Booking via WeChat is necessary as seats are limited.
M MEASURES: Alternate Dimensions Wednesday, November 15, 3:00 - 4:30 Room 401, Third study building of Peking University
From Uterus Man to LuYang Delusional Mandala, to her latest work Electromagnetic Brainology, Lu Yang's refreshing sense of absurd humor challenges accepted notions of contemporary art. Citing knowledge gleaned from the realms of neurology and biology, her works also reflect an ongoing interest in spirituality as a state of being pursued through different forms of religion and creative expression. On the occasion of Lu Yang's solo exhibition Encephalon Heaven, M WOODS invites you to join us for a conversation between the artist and science fiction writer Chen Qiufan hosted at Peking University. Together the two address topics of science and new media related to their works.
M MEASURES Salon: Art After the Fracture
Sunday, October 30, 2016, 7pm
M WOODS Museum is delighted to partner with OWSpace to present Art After the Fracture, a discussion of American culture following World War II. The renowned set of speakers will offer their insights on the spirit of art in North America from the 1950s onwards, in light of the economic, political and emotional state of a society reacting to the horrors of war.
Encompassing literature, art, cinema, and music, the discussion will touch on some of the many movements that developed during this raw and immensely creative moment. Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Pop Art, and Post-Modernism rose out of these uncertain times, changing the direction of Western art history and the way we understand contemporary art today.
The discussion aims to illuminate a moment in history, and will give context to the environment in which Andy Warhol was actively making work. Warhol is inextricably linked to this period in American culture, both contributing to and drawing from it in producing his work. The movement towards art being for everyone, taking it from high culture and placing it within low or popular culture was pioneered by Warhol, and his experimental methods and social conduct were arguably a product of these post-war times.
The speakers are Xu Zhiyuan, Co-Founder of OWSpace, Ye Ying, Editor-in-Chief of The Art Newspaper China, and internationally-acclaimed artist Qiu Zhijie.
This event has been organized by M WOODS Museum and OWSpace, and presented as part of M MEASURES, the museum’s free education program. Andy Warhol: Contact runs through January 7, 2017 and will be open for viewing before the salon. Tickets are free and available through WeChat.
M MEASURES: Smogfree Panel Discussion September 29, 2016, 6.30 - 8.30pm
As part of our education program M MEASURES, we present a panel discussion in partnership with Studio Roosegaarde. Hosted on the occasion of Dutch artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde’s Smogfree project opening closeby to M WOODS at 751D, the event aims to open up conversation about creative solutions to air quality, and examples of artist-led initiatives.
M WOODS is delighted to host this event as we have pledged to be the museum with the cleanest air in China, with the help of our chief sponsor, LIFAair.
Roosegaarde will introduce the Smogfree project, followed by a presentation from Zhang Wendong of LIFAair, and artists Brendan Warford and Matt Hope. The panel will be moderated by Professor Yang Dongjiang from Tsinghua University. The discussion will then be opened up to the audience for questions, bringing local artists, designers and makers to share and exchange new smog solutions for the cities of tomorrow.
Tickets are free and can be booked through WeChat.
Reality Subverted: Paul McCarthy on Video Performance Saturday, March 24, 2018, 15:00-17:00 Auditorium of CAFA Art Museum
Paul McCarthy’s 50 years of artmaking have seen him work in nearly every conceivable medium, from painting and sculpture, to performance, video, feature-length film and recently virtual reality. For the exhibition at M WOODS, the artist has chosen to present a survey of video, which he has worked with since the beginning and consistently returned to over the course of his career. From his early black and white documentations of actions like Whipping a Wall and a Window with Paint (1974), to the seven-hour epic White Snow (2013), McCarthy’s own trajectory reflects the evolution of video art in production and address towards audiences. Join M WOODS Founder Wanwan Lei, curator and artist Colin Chinnery, and Paul McCarthy for discussion of his practice and development of video art alongside performance, hosted at the CAFA Art Museum.
M MEASURES: New Heights of Imagination
Tuesday, December 13, 2017, 19:00 Room 200, Humanities Building of Remin University
Like many her own age, Lu Yang is heavily influenced by the two-dimensionality of popular culture, but far from just embodying simple forms of entertainment, the cartoons and video games of today represent the culmination of several systems of knowledge, allowing for the exploration of many philosophical concepts within an aesthetic universe that far exceeds the possibilities of our own.
On December 19, M WOODS invites Chen Qijia, Hong Yun, and Zhang Yifan to share their perspectives on “two-dimensionality” as a mode for intellectual discourse.
The Edge of Solitude Saturday, August 5, 2017, 2:30 - 4:00 PM
New technologies present a range of possibilities for communication in our lives, but they just as readily engender silence, pushing us to ever deeper reaches of solitude. In a complimentary public program for Heart of the Tin Man, acclaimed actress Huang Xiangli — known for her one-woman performances of Letter from an Unknown Woman, Bonjour Tristesse, and 9 1/2 Love — will give form to her thoughts on solitude in the digital era through a performance among the artworks. After the performance, Huang will join M WOODS co-founder and curator of Heart of the Tin Man Michael Xufu Huang for a conversation on the intersections of theater and contemporary art.
M MEASURES: Sense and Sensibility — Contemporary Art in the Digital Era Saturday, July 29, 2017, 7:00 – 8:30PM
This installment of M MEASURES delves deeper into the themes of Heart of the Tin Man, exploring the impact of rapidly evolving technology on our daily lives through the prism of contemporary art. Panelists unpack the works included in the exhibition, lending insight into the location and role emotion plays in the digital age.
The forum is moderated by Heart of the Tin Man curator and M WOODS co-founder Michael Xufu Huang. Guest panelists include participating artists aaajiao (Xu Wenkai) and Liu Wa, as well as Artforum.cn Senior Editor Yang Beichen.
M MEASURES: Panel Discussion Saturday April 30, 2016, 6.30pm
M WOODS is delighted to host a panel discussion, in partnership with The Arts Newspaper China, centering on the current exhibition All Means are Sacred. Drawn primarily from the M WOODS collection and curated by museum founder Wanwan Lei, All Means are Sacred is a vehicle through which the philosophy and ambitions of M WOODS can be seen clearly. All of the works in the exhibition deal, in some way, with aspiration towards a higher realm, be that spiritual, religious, or physical. Contemporary works are punctuated by paintings from the Northern Renaissance and sculpture from the Tang Dynasty, traversing centuries of artmaking.
The panel discussion comes at a time when M WOODS has presented a new face to the public, through the visionary designs of Dong Gong and Vector Architects. Opened concurrently with the exhibition on March 26, 2016, the building now facilitates more conversations - between itself and the surrounding environment, between audiences and artwork, and between M WOODS and its visitors. The use of steel mesh to veil the original building honors the way Dong Gong thinks about M WOODS and Beijing, and resonates with All Means are Sacred - in that within rapidly developing, modern times, tribute is paid to our heritage and the work of our ancestors.
Join us to hear M WOODS founders Lin Han and Wanwan Lei speaking alongside artist Hao Liang and Editor of The Art Newspaper China, Ye Ying. Places can be reserved by sending your name and contact number to us through WeChat. A written confirmation of your place from M WOODS will be required to enter on Saturday.
木木美术馆人民公园馆 M WOODS CHENGDU
Citang Street, Qing Yang District,
Chengdu, Sichuan
周一闭馆 周二至周日开馆,11:00-19:00
(最后入场时间: 18:00)
Open to the public Closed on Monday Open Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00-19:00
(Last admission: 18:00) 客服电话:+86 010-83123450转801,+86 18911984356
Customer Service Phone Numbers: +86 010-83123450 ext. 801, +86 18911984356 Customer Service Hours: Weekdays 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM Email: info@mwoods.org