M Woods Tongue

M WOODS Museum is delighted to announce the opening of M Woods Tongue, the museum’s new creative space and restaurant in Beijing’s 798 Art District. 

Located next to the M WOODS 798 location, the restaurant continues the tradition of experimentation between food and art and will act as both a creative space for artists and a functioning public restaurant. Realized in collaboration with famous local Beijing noodle restaurant Pangmei, M Woods Tongue’s art direction was led by Beijing-based artist Tianzhuo Chen.

In addition to designing M Woods Tongue’s interior, logo and tableware, Chen has also created his own special dish for the restaurant. This new extension of the museum positions food preparation and consumption as an integral part of our contemporary experience, and one in which food and art play a vital and increasingly interconnected role.

Image: M Woods Tongue


Citang Street, Qing Yang District,
Chengdu, Sichuan

(最后入场时间: 18:00) 

Open to the public
Closed on Monday
Open Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00-19:00 (Last admission: 18:00)

客服电话:+86 010-83123450转801,+86 18911984356


Customer Service Phone Numbers: +86 010-83123450 ext. 801, +86 18911984356
Customer Service Hours: Weekdays 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Email: info@mwoods.org